World Journal of Oncology, ISSN 1920-4531 print, 1920-454X online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, World J Oncol and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 14, Number 1, February 2023, pages 60-66

Estradiol Levels and Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients: A Prospective Clinical Study


Figure 1.
Figure 1. The distribution of breast cancer patients based on chemotherapy regimens. AC: anthracycline cyclophosphamide. TA: paclitaxel, anthracycline. TA + H: paclitaxel, anthracycline and trastuzumab.


Table 1. Subjects’ Characteristics
CharacteristicsTotal (n = 194)ChemotherapyP-value
No (n = 17)Yes (n = 177)
aIndependent t-test. bMann-Whitney U. cChi-square/Fisher exact test. *Statistically significant (α = 5%). EBC: early breast cancer; LABC: locally advanced breast cancer; ABC: advanced breast cancer; LVI: lymphovascular invasion; HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2.
Agea (years)51.63 ± 10.0151.47 ± 13.0251.64 ± 9.720.946
Menarcheb (years)12.77 ± 1.4112.65 ± 1.7312.78 ± 1.380.793
Cancer stageb0.033*
  EBC42 (21.6%)7 (41.2%)35 (19.8%)
  LABC100 (51.5%)8 (47.1%)92 (52.0%)
  ABC52 (26.8%)2 (11.8%)50 (28.2%)
Cancer gradingb0.332
  I13 (6.7%)3 (17.6%)10 (5.6%)
  II64 (33.0%)5 (29.4%)59 (33.3%)
  III117 (60.3%)9 (52.9%)108 (61.0%)
  Negative61 (31.4%)7 (41.2%)54 (30.5%)
  Positive133 (68.6%)10 (58.8%)123 (69.5%)
  Luminal A46 (23.7%)10 (58.8%)36 (20.3%)
  Luminal B41 (21.1%)4 (23.5%)37 (20.9%)
  HER2 overexpression50 (25.8%)0 (0.0%)50 (28.2%)
  Triple-negative36 (18.6%)2 (11.8%)34 (19.2%)
  Triple-positive21 (10.8%)1 (5.9%)20 (11.3%)
  Negative111 (57.2%)10 (58.8%)101 (57.1%)
  Positive83 (42.8%)7 (41.2%)76 (42.9%)
Menopausal statusc0.675
  Premenopause112 (57.7%)9 (52.9%)103 (58.2%)
  Menopause82 (42.3%)8 (47.1%)74 (41.8%)
Marital statusc0.570
  Unmarried9 (4.6%)1 (5.9%)8 (4.5%)
  Married185 (95.4%)16 (94.1%)169 (95.5%)
Number of kid(s)b0.959
  None19 (9.8%)1 (5.9%)18 (10.2%)
  1 - 2111 (57.2%)11 (64.7%)100 (56.5%)
  ≥ 264 (33.0%)5 (29.4%)59 (33.3%)
  No42 (21.6%)1 (5.9%)41 (23.2%)
  Yes152 (78.4%)16 (94.1%)136 (76.8%)
  Hormonal74 (38.1%)9 (52.9%)65 (36.7%)
  Nonhormonal57 (29.4%)5 (29.4%)52 (29.4%)
  None63 (32.5%)3 (17.6%)60 (33.9%)
Family history of cancerc0.318
  Present35 (18.0%)1 (5.9%)34 (19.2%)
  Absent159 (82.0%)16 (94.1%)143 (80.8%)


Table 2. Estradiol Levels Before and After Therapy Based on Subtypes
SubtypeEstradiolNMeanSDMin.Max.P value
*Uji Wilcoxon: there was a statistically significant difference in estradiol levels between before and after chemotherapy based on subtype (P < 0.05). HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; SD: standard deviation.
Luminal ABefore therapy4678.6365.3703770.003*
After therapy4673.3679.610357
Luminal BBefore therapy4183.3059.98232670.008*
After therapy4168.8647.1316222
Triple-negativeBefore therapy3687.4767.652283500.002*
After therapy3672.4258.19427315
Triple-positiveBefore therapy2198.3763.899332600.001*
After therapy2160.8841.1821175
HER2 overexpressionBefore therapy5077.6957.59123150.001*
After therapy5054.3123.785112


Table 3. Effects of Chemotherapy on Estrogen Levels
RegimenEstradiol before (mean ± SD; pg/mL)Estradiol after (mean ± SD; pg/mL)P-valueDecrease (%)
aWilcoxon rank test for comparison of two population means (paired samples). bKruskal-Wallis for comparison of more than two population means (unpaired samples). *Statistically significant (α = 5%). AC: anthracycline cyclophosphamide; TA: paclitaxel, anthracycline. TA + H: paclitaxel, anthracycline and trastuzumab; SD: standard deviation.
No chemotherapy (n = 17)106.83 ± 97.5999.44 ± 94.900.163a-6.9%
AC (n = 42)78.25 ± 51.7961.51 ± 42.060.011a*-21.4%
TA (n = 91)81.81 ± 61.6565.25 ± 54.85< 0.001a*-20.2%
TA + H (n = 22)83.43 ± 56.4256.96 ± 32.290.006a*-31.7%
Platinum (n = 22)79.46 ± 56.2260.64 ± 40.380.016a*-23.7%